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Riverview, Missouri City Hall
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Darrin and his wife, Shanta, moved to Riverview almost 30 years ago when they purchased their home just a few months after being married.  They raised their 2 children, Shavonda and Darrin Jr. who both attended and graduated from Riverview Gardens School District.  Darrin has worked in construction since 1992 as a laborer.  He joined the laborers union in 2000 as a journeyman.  In his spare time, Darrin loves to spend time with his family and helping others, hunting and fishing.  He is also a 5 year member with a motorcycle club, Ryzing Sons.  

In April 2023, Darrin was elected to the Riverview Board of Trustees where he has served as the Public Works Liaison.  As a newly elected official and someone who had a novel understanding of government, Darrin sought to learn as much as he could about his responsibilities to the community.  As time passed, he started to notice a lack of comradery in City Hall.  Behind closed doors, there was hostility amongst the Board members which resulted in 2 qualified Trustees resigning.  He recognized that certain decisions were being made arbitrarily and there was a gross lack of checks and balances and it all pointed back to one individual.  

Darrin Johnson chose to run for Mayor because the people of Riverview need a choice just as much as they need a voice.  No resident should ever be silenced in City Hall.  Although leadership, integrity, transparency and solidarity became regular chants from City Hall, the truth of the matter is that the government is operating contrary to those words.  The reality is that LIT for Change stands for Lies, Intimidation and Tyranny.  

Darrin's campaign is about Honesty, Accountability and Truth.  It's about restoring trust in our community and being fiscally responsible with public monies.  Darrin Johnson for Mayor is about serving the Riverview community and putting the residents ahead of his own personal interests.  

Unlike his opponent who moved into Riverview shortly before running for his election in 2022, Darrin Johnson is a long-term member of the community.  He knows Riverview and he has seen the best and worst of what Riverview has to offer. He is running for Mayor because Riverview deserves better.  

Darrin D. Johnson, the right choice for Mayor

'A Leader Who Listens'

Darrin Johnson

Thanks for joining the campaign!

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